How to make old personal computers as new as new
How to make old personal computers as new as new
数年使用すると、多くのノートパソコンやPCは動作が遅くなり、一般的な作業が以前ほど楽にできなくなります。【全画像をみる】How to make old personal computers as new as newしかし、買い換えるのは早いかもしれません。ここでは、デスクトップかノートパソコンかを問わず、経年劣化してきたハードウェアのスピード、パフォーマンス、信頼性を向上させるための一般的なコツをご紹介します。実際に活用するには、自分のスペックや能力を把握するためにちょっとした調査が必要になるでしょう。私の2016年末のMacBook Proは、アップグレード可能なRAMやSSDを搭載していないかもしれませんが、もう少し寿命(と性能)を延ばすためにできることがあります。ですから、この記事を出発点と考えて、飛び込んでみてください。
1.Delete unnecessary files
Everyone has too many files on a personal computer. Except for general organizational concerns, hundreds of unnecessary files are scattered on personal computers, which is usually not a big deal. However, if the capacity of the hard drive is insufficient, the performance will occur. Of course, you can delete such items one by one. This is especially true if you know that there are large files that can be safely deleted. However, some files are hidden in every corner of the OS, so it is often difficult to judge exactly which files are the most problematic. Mac has several options to find the most consumed memory. It is possible to use the internal storage tool that Apple hides in the shadow of "About this Mac", or use third -party options such as Daisydisk and Cleanmymacx. Windows has an excellent function called "storage sensor" that helps delete enlarged unnecessary files, but can also use third -party options like CCleaner. Whatever you use, it is effective to aim to empty 15 to 20 % of the drive.