
Comfortable work environment at home!Smooth keyboard input and note with KOKUYO's PC area

According to a survey ( *), PC case bags were the second place in fashion -related products that increased sales in a year of Corona.This is considerable because it is 598%year -on -year.

By the way, the first place is naturally a mask, 80,508%."80%" was the first time I saw such a number (compared to last year).Aside from the mask where the digits are too different.

The fact that PC case bags have significantly increased sales are that the opportunity to carry laptops between office and home has increased.There is also a request to make the environment around the PC comfortable in the home environment.I guess it is also desirable that products such as web meetings are easy to respond to work that has not been used before.It's natural to change the work tools because the way of work has changed from Corona.

Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce two items around the PC with new functions, released in October from Kokuyo's work tool brand "Bizrack".Each has a proposal for the changed work environment that says, "Isn't this convenient?"

※【2021年通販速報】コロナ1年、何が売れて何が売れなくなったかランキング(BUYMA/STYLE HAUS)より

A PC stand that makes web conferences at a narrow desk comfortable

First of all, I would like to introduce "Slide board notebook PC stand ".

Unlike a PC case, which has an obvious use of “transportation”, a PC stand is still low.However, in fact, it is a good tool to use if possible, because it can be expected to reduce the burden on the neck and shoulders and reduce the work stress.


Kokuyo Slide Board Laptop Stand 4500 yen (excluding tax)

When stored, it is almost the same size as a 13 -inch notebook PC.It seems that there is no problem to carry it in a case with the PC as it is.

And when you use it, you can lift the surface stand on the surface and then put the laptop on it, and you will have a moderate angle.By changing the folding method, the angle can be adjusted to two stages, 15 degrees / 25 degrees.

With this angle, the gaze that has looked down on the liquid crystal is slightly raised.This first reduces the burden on the neck.In recent years, the problem is the “smartphone neck” that hurts the cervical spine by continuing to look down on smartphones, but it is quite a problem to look down on the screen of the notebook PC.

In addition, the position of the shoulder decreases due to the changing posture, so the tension around the shoulder bones is reduced = the stiff shoulders are also easier.

That said, it's just the merit of a normal PC stand so far.The interesting thing about the "notebook PC stand with a slide board" is a gimmick part that the web meeting becomes comfortable with a narrow desk.

The gimmick is a slide board that can be pulled out from hand as the name suggests.

If you put a PC on a narrow desk, you may not be able to take notes during the web meeting.In such a case, pick the tab at the bottom of the stand and pull it, and a flat board will come out.When this is turned back with a pattern, the board is stable just by putting the lid on the keyboard.

The board on this keyboard functions as a simple desk for taking notes.

Since the board was firm and hard to deflect, there was almost no key type by writing above.Of course there is no difficulty writing.It's much more comfortable than putting a note and notes on your knees because there is no place to write.

Also, since the screen and notes are lined up near the same vertical axis, I am grateful that you do not need to look at the screen at the time of writing.Even from the other party's point of view, it is not very pleasant that this (although it is to take notes) during the conversation.In that respect, it would be better to write on the keyboard in terms of impression.

However, as I used it, I sometimes felt that the material stability was somewhat insufficient to use it as a stand.Especially if you use it in 15 degrees mode, you may tilt it left and right when used (25 degrees will be much more stable).This may find it difficult to use.

Nevertheless, there is no other PC stand created from the viewpoint of "easy to take notes when having a web meeting at a narrow desk."Once this convenience is tasted, it is very attractive.

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