
Engadget Logo Engjet Japanese version of NURO's 3rd generation autonomous driving delivery car, pedestrian airbag

NURO, a US autonomous car development venture, not a Japanese Internet provider, has announced the third -generation unmanned delivery car.The third -generation model, "NURO", is also focusing on the protection of pedestrians in the direction of travel, in addition to automatically carrying various luggage.As with the various autonomous cars introduced so far, NURO also has a variety of sensors such as image acquisition cameras, LIDAR, radar, and thermal, but still in contact with pedestrians.In the unlikely event that the case is, an airbag is equipped outside the car.

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エンガジェット日本版 Nuroの第3世代自動運転デリバリーカー、対歩行者エアバッグを装備

Of course, if you come into contact with the explosive airbags, you will probably be thrown away.However, if you are thrown away, you should be able to avoid great injury, which is unlikely to be under the vehicle under the vehicle when you fall down.

The external airbag that stands out is the effect as seen, but the NURO's loading capacity has twice as much as the old generation, and a temperature control function has been added to the compartment department.Although the production time of the third -generation NURO has not yet been shown, a factory that produces NURO will be running in late 2022, and it will be later.Kroger, a food supermarket invested in NURO, will use a new generation unmanned delivery vehicle at this time.

NURO has already dealt with convenience store chains, Domino pizza, fedex, etc. in the United States, Kroger, Seven -Eleven and CVS, Fedex, etc.It seems that competition is getting more intense.Source: nuro
