
I'm doing iDeCo, but there is a corporate DC system at my new job. should i join?

I am doing iDeCo, but there is a corporate DC system at my new place of employment. should i join?

I am doing iDeCo, but I changed There is a corporate-type DC system first. Should I join?

When a person who is a member of iDeCo changes jobs to a company with a corporate DC, many people may hesitate to decide whether to quit iDeCo and join a corporate DC. Corporate DC and iDeCo have different characteristics. It is better to compare the features and choose the one that has the greatest merit for you. Here, we have summarized the options for iDeCo subscribers when changing jobs to a company with a corporate DC and the differences between a corporate DC and iDeCo. Please read it and use it to decide whether or not to join a corporate DC.

Options when iDeCo members change jobs to a company with a corporate DC plan

When iDeCo members change jobs to a company with a corporate DC (corporate defined contribution pension) plan You have three choices: ●Participating in a new corporate DC and transferring iDeCo assets ●Joining both a corporate DC and iDeCo at the same time (only if permitted by the new corporate defined contribution pension agreement) Continuing iDeCo without joining a corporate DC Tell your new employer that you are joining iDeCo and check which method you can choose. Below are the procedures for each option. ■Transfer to a corporate DC at your new job If you join a corporate DC at your new job, you can transfer (carry) assets from iDeCo to the corporate DC. <> ● Perform asset transfer procedures at your new job ● Notify the iDeCo administration and management organization of the loss of membership eligibility When transferring iDeCo assets to the new corporate DC, It is necessary to submit an "Individual Managed Assets Transfer Request Form" to For details on how to proceed, please check with the person in charge of your new job. Also, if you transfer, you will lose your iDeCo membership. Promptly submit a "notification of loss of eligibility" and documents certifying the reason for loss of eligibility and the date of loss to the management organization. ■Simultaneous enrollment in corporate DC and iDeCo If simultaneous enrollment in iDeCo is permitted by the terms of the new corporate defined contribution pension plan, you can continue to operate iDeCo in parallel with your corporate DC. <> If a Category 1 or 3 insured person who changes the type of insured person of the National Pension or the registered place of business changes to a place of business covered by the Employees' Pension, the type of insured person will be changed to Type 2. Change to No. insured person. Attach the "business office registration application form and certificate of the business owner pertaining to the second insured person" to the "notification of change in subscriber insured person type (for second insured person)" and submit it to iDeCo's management organization. Submit it. When a Category 2 insured person changes jobs to a place of business covered by the employees' pension, it is necessary to change the registered place of business. Let's submit "Subscriber registration business office change notification" and "business office registration application and business owner's certificate pertaining to No. 2 subscriber" to iDeCo's management organization. ■ Continuing iDeCo There is also an option to continue iDeCo without joining a corporate DC at a new job. <> ● Changing the type of insured person of the national pension or the registered business office Even if you do not join the corporate DC, if you change jobs, the type of insured person of the national pension or the registered business office will change. It is necessary to notify the management organization of the change. As when joining with a corporate DC at the same time, submit one of the following along with the "Application for Registration of Business Office and Certificate of Business Owner for No. 2 Participant". ●Notification for change of subscriber insured person type (for No. 2 insured person) ●Notification for change of registered office of subscriber