
[new product] now the most wanted suitcase KABUTO finally landed in Japan from France

The crowdfunding campaign for the next generation of suitcase KABUTO, which was launched by France, will begin in CAMPFIRE on February 18. The target amount of 1000000 yen was reached three hours after the start, and now more than 5 million yen in support funds have been gathered. Extended features, the quietest tires on the market, fingerprint locks, PC charging functions, removable valuables pockets, design without boredom, etc., are all features that travelers pursue.

According to the ergonomic design of the stylish suitcase KABUTO is based on the movement of travelers, using the highest quality material design, durable, using tear-proof fabric, can be used for a long time. The CAMPFIRE activity is available in black Copper, silver, blue Copper, blue silver and 4 colors. These four-wheeled suitcases are very quiet and easy to operate. The highest quality ball bearing tires always show smooth rolling, making the traveler's life simple and fashionable and exquisite.


The forerunner's two-wheeled suitcase was honored at the Las Vegas Fair and Offenbach. KABUTO won the Red Dot Award in 2018 and Best suitcase Award in 2017 for TAG (TRAVEL GOODS SHOW).

There is a back bag on the back of the KABUTO to easily manage laptops, tablets, phones, wallets, passports and other valuables. By fastening the pendant, you can also talk from the suitcase and carry it with you. In addition, the backpack also supports magnet charging and always charges your PC. Not only that, the security of the fingerprint authentication system is also foolproof. KABUTO offers a life warranty and this will be the last suitcase you buy.

Quiet tire bearings are the same as those used on electric skateboards. Use metal bearings instead of plastic to slide smoothly. If you use extensions, KABUTO can be used in any cabin or for long-term use! Within 10 seconds, 50% of the capacity will also become larger. It can be said to be a short-term and long-term trip. Even if the luggage is added, you can use it directly without buying suitcases and bags during the trip. (here are the add-ons. If you add 6600 yen to each suitcase, you will have an extended function.)

Dimensions: 2.9 kg; 40-60L. When used as carry-on baggage, 55x35x23 cm; is larger than 75x35x23 cm. When designing the exterior of the KABUTO, we compared the carry-on baggage restrictions of all airlines. Moreover, it creates the most suitable size and shape. Fingerprint lock: only you and the 10 people you choose can open KABUTO with your fingerprints. In addition, we will provide you with a backup key. TSA staff can also open it if necessary. Battery: each suitcase has a 10000mAh battery. Any airline as long as this battery can be brought on the plane. If you want to store it, I suggest you remove the battery and take it to the plane.

(こちらのスーツケースは今回CAMPFIREで販売のものとは異なったモデルです)KABUTOのアドベンチャーは、 世界的に有用なイノベーションとデザインを作るグローブトロッター、ルイとジェロームの2人の実業家の物語です。 二人は、自身の旅行を通して、こんなスーツケースがあったらいいのになを実現するためにKABUTO®ブランドを立ち上げました。約10年、旅行用のベビーベッドの会社を経営していた会社を売却し、3年間KABUTOのスーツケースを開発に専念してまいりました。KABUTOの第一、初期モデルが大成功となり、日本を含めた世界中にお届けすることができました。もう一度世界の皆様に、より良い製品をお届けしたいと思い、改良された最新モデルにてこのキャンペーンを開始致しました。KABUTOはCAMPFIREにて独占予約販売中。先着100名様のみ小売価格より51%オフの46,900円よりお買い求めいただけます。詳細はCampfireキャンペーンページをご覧ください:https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/213390