
The display does not have to be folded, so it is convenient to have two or more screens

The higher the resolution, the shorter the viewing distance

In the world of TV, more than 4K resolution screens are already becoming mainstream.The bigger screen is better, but the size of the 50 -inch screen is a bit bigger to use in front of you.To overlook the entire screen, you need to be more than 1m away.

The 4K resolution is assumed to be about half the view distance of the full HD.The distance is generally 1 at the height of the screen.It seems to be about 5 times.If it is a 50 -inch screen, its height is about 62cm, so 1.5 times = about 1m.

However, since this is the viewing distance when enjoying video content such as movies, the PC screen displayed in the window requires a little different concept.


The environment where you can work about 1m away with a display of this size is quite limited.You will have to prepare a desk with a width of about 1m.

If there is a 1x1m square table, a 50 -inch display can be installed stably at a distance of 1m and can be used at an appropriate distance.By the way, the smallest new JIS standard desk is 80cm wide and 60cm in depth.

It may be a bit hard to work on a PC with a 50 -inch desk on this size, but it doesn't always look at the entire screen, so it can be done.That's why you need a window display.

By the way, Windows is an assumed resolution as an OS when 100%displayed on 46 -inch display at 46 -inch display.This is the same size as 100%displayed on the 23 -inch display at full HD resolution.

In other words, it is an image of four 23 -inch displays in Tagata.There are no 46 -inch displays in the market, 42.Is it a type 5 or 50?

Since Windows does not have a reduced zooming function, the 50 -inch 100%display is slightly larger than the expected size of the OS.In fact, 92%display is fine.If you can't get the distance to the screen, you'll feel extra big.

It may be a 50 -inch that feels too big, but if you arrange the 24 -inch display sideways, it will exceed its width.It is a 50 -inch size feeling in the state where it is double -tiered.