
The identity of the price is ○○○!Learn the attitude of "Spirited Away"


The 〇〇〇 of "The identity of price is 〇〇〇" is described at the end of the book.(There are two types)

The price of familiar items is rising

Potato chips, edible oil, mayonnaise, dressing, toilet paper, lighting equipment, toilet, udon, beef bowl, clothing, clothing, trains.Prices for familiar items are continuing.

The following is the transition of the consumer price index that reflects the price trends of familiar items.


"General" is rising.For this reason, it seems that the price of goods is rising overall, around the consumer.However, looking at the orange line "excluding food (excluding alcohol) and energy", it is almost flat.

You can see that food (excluding alcoholic beverages) and the rise in energy prices are the identity of "prices".You can also see that the economy is overheated, and prices in a wide range of fields are not rising.

The identity of the price is ○○○!Learn the attitude of

The current "price" is a "cost push -type" price, which boosts consumer prices.The main reason for price increase, explained by various companies that have decided to raise prices, is the raw material high.

Japan relies on imports of many raw materials that are familiar to people's lives.As described below, most energy is more than half of food -related, and more than 60 % of wood.


Japan, which can be said to be a "raw material imported country", has now risen with the international price of various Codity (product), and it is a raw material.The raw material high due to the rise in the international prices of these Codity is the main cause of the price increase in items that are familiar to us.

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The identity of the price is ○○○!Learn the attitude of "Spirited Away"

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