
Too highly functional!You can get over 365 days with a black backpack and shoulder bag | I'm glad I bought it

Too highly functional!You can get over 365 days with a black backpack and shoulder bag | I'm glad I bought it

 Too highly functional!You can get over 365 days with a black backpack and shoulder bag | I'm glad I bought it

ライフハッカー[日本版]編集部とライターが、2021年に買ってよかったもの=ライフハッカーのタグラインである「Work Fast ,Live Slow」を叶えてくれたアイテムをご紹介します。【全画像をみる】Too highly functional!You can get over 365 days with a black backpack and shoulder bag | I'm glad I bought it>>「これ買ってよかった」の記事一覧はこちらノートPCを持って仕事に行くか、ちょっとした外出かでほぼ一年が過ぎてしまった2021年…。大活躍したのは、ナイロン素材の2つの黒いバッグでした。もともと、毎日違うカバンを持ちたいくらいカバンが好きでいくつも持っていたのですが、ライフスタイルや志向の変化もあり、よく使うカバンはどんどんミニマムに。気づけば、機能性が高く、主張し過ぎず、カジュアル過ぎず、汎用性高いものがあれば、それ以上は必要ないと考えるようになっていました。そのうえで、常に良いものを探しているのですが、この2つのバッグは、現時点での自身のカバン選びの基準をきっちり満たしてくれています。<こんなカバンが使いたい!>ザ・アウトドアテイストはNG。カジュアルに使えて、汎用性高いもの。両手は空けたいので、リュックか肩掛け。重たいのは許せない。背負い心地が良いもの。手入れがしやすく、汚れが目立ちにくく、丈夫な素材。中身が見やすいもの。撥水 or 防水スプレーがかけられる。

High -performance but lighter backpack even though it is a minimum

It looks like a black backpack without any strange, but it's really amazing. HealthKnit Product is a brand called (health knit product), and the price is affordable at the 5,000 yen range. The capacity of about 15L is about 15L, not too large, not too small, and it is easy to use. Even though it is made of durable nylon, it is silky touch without ragging. Because it is a glossy water -repellent material, it is hard to get dirty, easy to use even when dressing that is not too casual, and does not float only backpacks. Not only the PC sleeve with 13 inches is perfect, as well as 11 large and small pockets, all of which have a front zip pocket that can store shoes. It was a minimal look but too highly functional. One unfortunate thing is that the lining is too yellow! I was worried about what to do when I bought it first, and at first I felt uncomfortable, but if I got used to it, it would be easier to see the contents, and if I closed the chuck, I would not be able to see it at all. It was more convenient than that, and with many pockets and yellow effects, I was able to break up with myself, who was unable to find the contents of the bag. That's why I almost use this backpack when I take a laptop. In addition to black, it seems that it is expanding many colors, so please check it according to your preference.