
10 ways to last longer MacBook

10 ways to last longer MacBook

 10 ways to last longer MacBook

MacBookは安くはない買い物なので、仕事や生活への投資として購入する人も多いでしょう。10 ways to last longer MacBookMacBookは、他のノートパソコンより大抵長持ちしますが、それは正しい取り扱いをした場合のみです。最近Macを購入して、できるだけ長く使いたいと思っている人は、今回の記事を参考にしてください。今回は、MacBookを長持ちさせるためにできることをご紹介していきます。バッテリーや筐体、ソフトウェアをどのように扱うかも含まれています。では始めていきましょう。目次1.Secure as much purchase budget as possible 2.Use a protective case 3.Treat the MacBook carefully 4.Use the battery wisely 5.Replace when the battery is exhausted 6.Clean MacBook regularly 7.Check the port frequently 8.Protect the power adapter 9.Do not use a third -party charger 10.I don't overlook any problem

1.Secure as much purchase budget as possible

As time goes on, programs that run on a Mac (from the OS to the third -party software to download) tend to be larger and more capacity.As a result, if you try to save or read data, the remaining storage capacity and memory will decrease.Therefore, the way to prevent the MacBook from getting out of date is as much as possible at the time of purchase.Increase the MacBook storage and RAM as much as possible.It is also important to estimate how much RAM you need.It is still easy to buy an external hard drive and add storage capacity, but adding a RAM to the Mac is troublesome and expensive.

2.Use a protective case

When MacBook arrives, start by protecting the housing.Mainly three protections: housing, screen, and keyboard.To protect the housing, use cases and sleeves that can be easily removed.Using a sturdy sleeve like NACUWA rather than a common Neopen sleeve, you can maximize damage.To protect the screen from being damaged, use a screen protector such as Supershieldz.Finally, the keyboard cover protects the keyboard.It can prevent abrasions and key damage.There is also a guideline to physically protect MacBook, so please refer to those who want to know more.