
After all, a strong heart is required to be immersed in metavers!?

This article is reprinted after editing by MONOIST editorial staff published in the "Mono -making Comprehensive E -mail Magazine" published on January 6, 2022.

メタバースに没入するには結局のところ強いハートが求められる!?:モノづくり総合版メルマガ 編集後記

Happy new year readers.Thank you for this e -mail magazine, monoist, EE TIMES JAPAN, EDN Japan.


Recently, related technologies and news from entering companies are flying around so much that there is no day when you don't hear the topic of "Metahasa".To put it simply, a metaberth is a service that allows people in a distant place to interact / work through avatars, etc. in a virtual space built online, or this space itself.

You know that Facebook, a major SNS company at the end of October 2021, changed its company name to "META" to focus on the meta -saving business, but since then various companies have announced related technologies.Anyway, there is no shortage of topics, such as announcing entry.Even in "CES 2022" (session: January 5-8, 2022), which was held by Corona's evil, the technology related to metaAbaths is likely to be a major highlight.

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