
Coverage "Shizunami Surf Stadium" which will open this summer!Value of wave pool that makes wave riding familiar

Recently, a wave pool specialized in surfing, which has a great interest worldwide.The facilities that can experience the best surfing from beginners to advanced users have begun to develop in Japan.

This time, we interviewed a full -fledged wave pool "Surf Stadium" near completion.The future where surfing is enjoyed by more people as leisure has come to be seen from there.


Artificial waves standing in front of the sea, how to surfaces

今夏オープンの「静波サーフスタジアム」を取材!波乗りを身近に...の画像はこちら >>

Surfer says that the real pleasure of surfing is that it can be integrated with waves and nature.However, it is not easy to row on the sea on your own and ride the surfboard and get on the waves.In addition, there are implicit rules and manners that are difficult to understand, such as the order of riding the waves, so many people are frustrated without being fun.

Even if you go to the sea for a long time, the hurdle until you can enjoy surfing, such as the same wave because there is no same wave as one.

"In this pool, you can create various kinds of waves as if playing music on the keyboard of the wave -building console. You can also create large waves for advanced users and small waves for beginners, and are dangerous underwater.Never safe.

In a well -managed environment, anyone can practice surfing with peace of mind. "Wave pool is a dreamy leisure facility that leads to solving many problems related to surfing at the beginning.

[左]ジャックオーシャンスポーツ 店長 長倉廣和さん Age 54●静岡県生まれ。プロサーファーとして活躍後、長年にわたりここ静波のサーフシーンの発展に尽力してきた。今回は地元サーフショップの立場から、サーフスタジアムへアドバイスをしている。 [右]サーフスタジアムジャパン社長 安達俊彦さん Age 66●東京都生まれ。大手航空会社勤務を経て現職に就任。前職から得意とする事業開発の手腕を活かして日本独自の開発チームを編成し、世界最高峰のウェーブプールを完成。サーフィンは未経験で、このプールで始める予定。

"Surfing is said to have more than 80%of the paddling time. But in the wave pool, you can concentrate on riding 100%.。
