
The cuteness of the agony class.I want you to sell Miffy's keyboard in Japan as well

Immediately after opening the product package, the whole family shouted, "Cute!"That was a set of keyboard+mouse designed by MIPOW and Mercis BV.

A round and colorful pastel color in a round design housing.And Miffy's illustration is large on the numeric keypad.I don't have any thoughts on special Miffy, but I wrote that the keyboard for PC, which is an industrial product, can be so cute.

It is an orthodox 104 key English keyboard as a keyboard, making it a Membrane type switch.As expected, the keytop and frame plastic are slightly cheap compared to high -end products, and the texture is not so bad, but the sound of the type is quiet.


I chose the keyboard with a touch, Nambo, and I had been thinking for 30 years if it was stylish.However, I realized again that the keyboard was also attractive to attract people with one design.

製品パッケージパッケージを開けるといきなりミッフィーがお出迎えビジュアルのインパクトが抜群のキーボード大きくミッフィーのイラストが!カラフルで円形なキートップが可愛いキーボードCaps LockやNum Lockのインジケータミッフィーの大きなイラストが入ったキートップを抜くと、6つのキーが6つのキートップが付属ちゃんとした機能に差し替えられる底面までピンクで抜かりはない電池は単3形×1だ折り畳み可能な脚でチルトできる

By the way, the key that contains a large Miffy illustration is an END key and covers Insert/Delete/Home/End/Page Up/Page Down.A six keytops for replacing this large key are also included, and can be replaced according to your preference.

The attached mouse has no Miffy design, but the mouse pad has a large face of Miffy.The presence when placed on the desk will be outstanding.


この製品、正しくはmipowとMercis bvのコラボによる「miffy's Family Collection」シリーズの一環の「104 Keyboard & Mouse Combo」という製品名だ。今はPinkとLight Blueの2色が直販で販売されており、価格は59ドルとなっている。サイト上にはライトグリーンやライトブラウン色の見本もあるのだが、残念ながら現時点では購入できない。

In the first place, this product is a 2.4GHz wireless keyboard and mouse, but the skill is not obtained in Japan to use this radio function legally.So, although the sample arrived from the public relations, I could not tell you the feeling of use, and even if I could buy it, I could not use it in Japan.If you have such an attractive design so far, we want you to have some agencies as soon as possible, clear the skills and licenses, and sell them in Japan.


By the way, MIPOW is a crisp company that manufactures/sells ultra -thin folding mobile Bluetooth keyboards as well as Miffy Collaboration products.I would like to expect these products in Japan.
