
Easy way to convert dates on iPhone: iPhone Tips

When you make an appointment with a friend, you may have tried to write down the exact date after deciding a rough date such as "Let's play tomorrow". However, in such a case, it is not necessary to bother to enter all the characters such as "March XX day".

iPhoneで日付を簡単に変換する方法:iPhone Tips

On the iPhone, if you enter "Tomorrow" (Tomorrow) or "Asatte" while typing on the keyboard, the date will be displayed as a predictive conversion candidate. For example, if you enter "Tomorrow" as of March 10, candidates will appear as "March 11", "3/11", and "2022/03/11".

With "Today" and "Tomorrow" entered

Speaking of date input, as far as I checked, it corresponded to "Asatte" and "Shiasatte" (3 days later), as well as "Yesterday" and "The day before yesterday". Writing up-to-date appointments is a lot easier than typing in detail.

The state in which "Asatte" and "Asatte" are entered.You could also enter a date in the past