
"God Game" "FATA DEUM" trial version play report that guides people and wins rivals -Game character is good but unbearable [STEAM NEXT Fes]

VALVE is holding the "NEXT Festival" from February 22 to March 1 at the game platform Steam. During the event period, you can enjoy the trial version of the game that will appear in the future and live streaming by developers. Looking at the related images, this event, which has more than hundreds of trial versions to be distributed, is not very playable in one week. Therefore, GAME*SPARK will pick up what you are interested in from the works that are being distributed at the event. This time, we will introduce the publisher Hooded Horse, Developer 42 Bits Entertainment's town planning simulation "FATA DEUM" trial version. What is "God Game" "FATA DEUM"! This is a single play strategy that was inspired by a number of god games of the past. Players become the world of the world and lead them in miracles to attract more religion than their rival gods. In this trial version, you can play only for the first few days. There is a limit to what you can do because of the number of days, but at this time it seems that almost all the basic game play parts are implemented. It also supports Japanese at the time of the trial version. When you start the game, the hero's use, "IP", will first appear. The imp as a tutorial character will tell you how to view the game screen, the basic operation, and the basic outline of this work. Why is the impersonal Imp? I thought, but in old German folk tales with the developer 42 Bits Entertainment, it seems that it may appear as a god of God. By the way, I will enter the name when the imp appearance is, but please note that there is no text box. It is OK if you enter the keyboard on the spot. For the time being, this time, the name of the familiarity was set to "SPA". I feel that the image of the appearance is fixed. Collect people's religion! Are you good god, evil god? Now, the work as a god begins. The purpose of this work is to "gather more followers than rival gods." The game is divided into two phases, day and night, and the main task is to increase the number of believers by influencing people living on the ground during the day. There are multiple settlements in the world, and at first there are people who have not worship anything. In order to make humans a believer, the religion must be changed. The god of this work has both good and evil, and you can select two types of methods, "Love's Mission" and "Scaring of Fear", to gain the religion of people. Love, or feared people change their religion and turn into players to players by becoming more than a certain level. It is also possible to gain power to people and increase the population by falling in love. The believers will create resources such as "mana" and "religion". In particular, mana is used for missionary and miracles, and it is an important resource that corresponds to the ability of this work to be used to lead the settlements described later. Be aware of increasing the number of believers as much as possible. By the way, you can collect mana even if you find an ancient relic hidden on the field. In addition, by fulfilling the wishes such as "I want you to give a miracle to 〇〇" from the believers, the player gives "prayer points". If the number of believers and prayer points reach a certain number, the god level will increase, which will cause new skills and miracles such as "giving people to people." You can learn this area in tutorials, and you can also see it in in -game manuals. In this way, let's collect resources such as mana and religion while increasing the number of believers during the day. Guide people and guide the direction of the village! At night, players will be able to give two types of instructions to the settlements where the believers live, "specifying buildings" and "specifying the direction of the village." It is very nice to set a dream and guide you. Architecture has general architecture and auxiliary architecture, and up to two architectural instructions at the same time in one village. There are various types of buildings, such as "temples" that up up religion, "farms" and "leasprots" with productivity, and "barracks" with high fighting power. In addition, depending on the land, special buildings such as the "quarry" are also available. In addition to consuming "mana" for architectural instructions, some buildings require positive/shadow power acquired in the daytime. For example, "good 50" is required to make a lumber, so if you want to build it, you must be aware of the religion in the daytime. In addition, it is necessary to dispatch materials such as wood and temporary staff for architecture. In the "specification of the direction of the village", various instructions can be given, such as collecting resources and providing materials to other villages. In addition, battle instructions such as attacking nearby villages are also possible. The purpose of this work is to gather more believers than rival gods, so it is a kind of tactics to reduce hostile members. There is no way to recover mana at night, so if you want to guide multiple settlements at once, do good resource management. It is also convenient to remember that in villages with many believers, mana consumption for instructions will decrease. A very interesting game, but the problem is that this work is to repeat the phase of each day and night, leading the world. Of course, rival gods are also important tactics to hinder the opponent, as rivals also increase their levels and expand their settlements. In the trial version, it was not possible to proceed with the game enough to make full -fledged obstruction, but it was possible to convert the other believers. Due to the decrease in the number of believers, the disadvantages of mana's production attenuation and building costs are raised, so I think it is useful as a tactic to simply reduce the ability of the opponent. What was interesting to play was that I was able to intervene in the battle caused by the rival god. It is the real pleasure of this work to be able to do quite unreasonable as long as there are mana, such as dropping thunder to the other party, restoring the opponent, relocating love during battle and converting love during battle. However, in the current trial version, it is a major negative point that general UI is very difficult to use. It is difficult to move the map, I do not know where the human being is, or I do not know the contents of the status screen at first glance, I have an unfriendly impression of this work. The contents of the tutorial were difficult to understand, and the specified objects were buried several times and could not proceed. For the time being, there is a help (English) that can be searched for the time being, but this is also a part that I want to improve that it is slightly inconvenient because it does not have much detailed information and cannot be accessed immediately from the game. I know how excellent the "Shivylopedia" of the "Civy Risations" series is. The Japanese translation of the main game is reasonably solid, but it is also thought that there are too many parts that the amount of information and explanation does not convey as a game design in the first place. In the trial version of the play time, it is a wasteful part that the effects of various miracles end before exerting the true territory. The "FATA DEUM" trial version introduced so far. The game itself feels very interesting to guide people while increasing the number of believers as gods. Because you can make full use of the power of good and evil, it seems that the strategy can be widely selected from peaceful to bloody. However, if you play, the unfriendly of the UI and tutorial will inevitably stand out. It is personally fatal that the field is difficult to move and the object is difficult to see. You can easily access the village from the overall map screen, but it is a part that you want to improve that you feel stressed anyway when collecting resources and finding relics (reported). At the end of the trial version, it will be automatically linked to the feedback page, and even in the Steam Forum, it is very impressive that the development team is eager to improve, such as actively listening to user opinions. The world view and rules of the game are definitely interesting, so it is a work that we hope for future updates. "FATA DEUM" is scheduled to be released in 2022 for Steam.

GAME*Spark MR.Katoh

 人々を導きライバル神に勝利する“神ゲー”『Fata Deum』体験版プレイレポート―ゲーム性はいいものの不親切さが惜しい一本【Steam NEXTフェス】