
Questions of shortcut keys Ctrl+C (copy) You can understand Ctrl+A (All), why is Ctrl+V paste?Do you want to do it?

"Ctrl+C".How many people are in the line of this character?

After selecting characters on the screen, pressing the keyboard "Ctrl" and "C" at the same time, the letters are copied.The copied characters can be paste to another document with "Ctrl+V".

It is a so -called shortcut key.

Many readers should use shortcut keys on their jobs.

This time, we will feature a tweet that features a simple question about such a shortcut key.

You can see that Ctrl + C is a copy.You can also see that Ctrl + A is all selected (all).Why is Ctrl + V paste?Do you do it?Do you do what you want to paste?

—Sai 骰 Daisu@6.0 Completed!(@Saikoroid) MARCH 13, 2022

The true nature of discomfort

Perhaps many people felt the same discomfort when they started using shortcut keys.

You can see that "C" of "Ctrl+C" is "C" in "Copy".Similarly, you can also understand that "Ctrl+A" is "all (all)".

So what is the acronym for "Ctrl+V"?

Wouldn't it be "P" if it was "paste"?

Why does the operation and the initials stop linking when it comes to paste?

When you start thinking, various questions come from one after another.

This problem may be a surprisingly deep question.

ショートカットキーの疑問 Ctrl+C(copy)わかる、Ctrl+A(all)もわかる、Ctrl+Vがなぜペースト?ヴェッってやるの?

It's no wonder that Daisu Sai, a tweet, wants to put a tsukkomi, "Do you want to do it?"

The keyboard position is a big decisive factor!?

A variety of theories were introduced in the comments for this tweet.

The most common is the keyboard string.

The bottom column of the keyboard is from the left, Z, X, C, V, B ...

Copies and paste are often used in normal sets, so it is reasonable that V next to C is used for paste.

One of the major reasons is that "C" is close to the "Ctrl" button.

You can press "C" with the middle finger while pressing "Ctrl" with a little finger.

When working on a personal computer, hold the mouse with the right hand and operate the shortcut keys with the left hand, and the work can be worked with the two hands fixed to the fixed position, which will save you a lot.

"The shortcut keys are set to complete with the left hand alone" is a reasonable way of thinking considering the actual work.

In addition, before the computer was widespread, the character string was inserted in the place where the string was inserted, so "V" was adopted for pasting, "Copy & West.There were some theories that could be said to be a little aggressive, such as "

In addition, the imaginary association, "I looked at the sharp part of the balloon as the word" V "" was also introduced.

There is still more!Shortcut key

"Ctrl+X" often sets keys regardless of operation, such as "Ctrl+X", "Ctrl+Z", "Return", and "Ctrl+B".All of them are close to C.

Nevertheless, there are many other shortcut keys, and the area around "C" alone is not enough, so the middle and upper buttons are also used in the shortcut key.

However, there is no doubt that the buttons at the bottom left of the keyboard are used as many opportunities to be used.

Conclusion!Shortcut keys are useful!

Although there are many strange points, the shortcut keys are more useful as they know.

Some voices say, "It's troublesome to learn first," but if you use it regularly, you will naturally learn your body, so you will lose your consciousness of doing your best.

It is overwhelmingly reduced in time than operating with a mouse, so there is no loss in remembering.

Also, if you read this article to the end, you may have learned at least "Ctrl+C" and "Ctrl+V".

Rui Hanazawa edited/writer.She likes cats.Her hobby is reading and sake.After a few years of highball boom, she has now reached an unprecedented potato rock boom.Her recommended shochu is good.Instagram:@lui0710