
"The Typing of the Dead" RTA World Record holders, tips for typing improvement and deep keystrokes

Keyboard typing that pursues the speed and accuracy of character input.Did you know that we are actually building detailed technologies that we don't know?

This time, in order to approach the world of competition typing from the aspect of the game, about the typing world of Serenade ☆ Yuuki (@serenade_yuuki), the RTA world record holder of the typing game "The Typing of the Dead 2004". I heard.

The key to high -speed typing is "mental and strategy"

──First of all, please tell me how Serenade ☆ Yuuki decided to try typing in earnest.

Serenade ☆ Yuuki (hereinafter referred to as Seryu) In the first place, I thought that I wanted to be able to hit the letters fast.At that time, I did not know the word "typing" yet, but since the communication in chat was thriving, I started practicing to talk with my friends at a good tempo.

Then I tried using a site for typing practice, but there was a time when I was addicted to a third -party typing game using the comment function of Nico Nico Live Broadcasting.I was able to practice while playing the game while driving the lyrics of the flowing songs with comments, and I noticed the fun of competing with people in typing skills, such as accuracy and speed.

─ I watched RTA videos, but the fingering is unique.Does that style also have roots when you were a child?

It looks like it is, especially the right hand is a sharp style that uses only the index finger and middle finger, and this is because I was ignorant of my childhood.Before knowing the "standard fingering" that is considered to be a beautiful way of hitting "A", "S", "D", "F", "J", "K", "L", and ";" Key, "Easy to move" before knowing "standard fingering".I was doing it with my fingers, and the way of hitting the tea was fixed and I couldn't return (laughs).

I also practiced the home position of the standard fingering, but if I was conscious of the hard -to -move medicine finger and little finger, I decided to leave the finger to move fast, so I decided to leave the right hand to the ace, the index finger and the middle finger.I have a bigger hand, so if I try to do it with standard fingering, I think it was a good idea to do it now.It's the result theory (laughs).

で す か Isn't it difficult to improve it because there were few reference for your own style?

It looks like it looks.However, by continuing to hit, I got used to it and speeded up, and I think I can probably be faster to any way.Even if you are going to the national tournament, you are a very beautiful and beautiful fingering person in the same style as me, so it is surprisingly individual.It is interesting that it is not "the faster person is more beautiful."

One of the tricks to hit in your favorite position is that you don't get caught in stereotypes.It is said that the "touch typing" that hits without looking at the keyboard is fast and cool, but I try to check where the fingers are at hand to some extent.If you have few fingers like me, you may not want to see it.


That's true for everyday practice.Thankfully, I am asking for typing practice advice, but I am trying to say that it is very important to "stop before you dislike" rather than detailed tips and techniques.If you don't get faster and the number of mistakes remains as a bad memory, your motivation for the subsequent practice will decrease, and if you get nervous to improve, you may be tired but you can practice it.is.In that case, there is a risk of hurting your fingers or tendonitis, and some have actually experienced such experiences.I want you to enjoy typing in the game, and it's important to change your mind and take a break.

で す か Is there a technique to reduce the time besides increasing the speed of moving your finger?

There is quite a lot of this.For example, if you hit "ki" and "k" and "i" are standard fingering, both are in charge of the middle finger of your right hand, but if you use the index finger for "K", you can hit it a little faster.In this way, hitting with a different finger different from the standard finger is the technique called "optimization".There is also a technique to say "inflate" and input "SHI" instead of "Si" when hitting "Si" to make a single hit while returning your head.

─ You need strategic typing.

It seems to be good.If you just hit "Cho", "TYO" or "CHO" is not very good, but "CYO" is fine.However, if you hit "a little", "to" comes at the end, so the "TYO" that saves the trouble of moving to "T" is the optimal solution.


These techniques are the technology that has been built by seniors of the word processor generation much higher than me.The seniors are still active in competition typing world competitions, and if you think, there are young players who can type multilinguals in junior high school students, and typing is an interesting world where you can fight equally regardless of age or gender.I feel.

Meet RTA and to World Record holders

── Serenade ☆ Yuuki has participated in RTA events many times.What was the reason for this?。

After all, I was interested in the play of the distributor introduced by a friend in Nico Nico Douga, and I was interested in the play of the distributor that my friend introduced.Three years ago, I was in charge of the commentator of the "Crash Bandiku" series in the Japanese distribution of the overseas RTA event "Games Done Quick", but it was a big event that the experience was really fun.。

After that, it was fun to explain, but if I was preparing for a video to explain a certain work, there was a technique that I couldn't understand just by looking at it.So, when I played and checked myself, I thought, "I learned and learned the skills, and I could deliver it myself," so I came to play as a "runner".

──It's RTA and typing, two hobbies overlapped, and we arrived at The Typing of the Dead 2004.

I was happy because it was an opportunity to show me what I liked and polished.Recently, flick input and voice input have evolved, but I still want to use keyboard input, and I want to show that it is very convenient to practice.However, there was a coincidence that overlapped because it was decided to challenge the Typing of the Dead 2004.

Actually, "The Typing of the Dead 2004" is a pretty old game, so it is not easy to get it, and it was difficult to start on Windows 10, so it was difficult to challenge offline events.However, "RTA IN JAPAN 2020" was held online under the influence of the new colon virus, so I thought that it would be possible to participate in a stable environment at home.I am grateful that I got a variety of types of people I knew from getting the software for the challenge.

か Is what is required for competition typing and typing games?

The rules and software used differ depending on the event in the event typing, which changes the way of fighting.For example, in one tournament, even if the time is better than the opponent, if the accuracy is below 95%, you will lose.With such rules, people with a style called "rander", which usually emphasize speed, may also reduce the speed to maintain accuracy.In RTA, I think how to hit it depends on the title.

──It's now a RTA World Record holder, but is it a memorable game with the "The House of the Dead", which is also a derivative work?

In fact, it is actually a gun shooting person who is not good at horror games so I can't play at all (laughs).I'm not afraid because I only need to look at the characters in a typing game, but I was nostalgic because I often saw the shooting and typing versions at the game center.

"The Typing of the Dead 2004" is a masterpiece that everyone can enjoy.I'm waiting for the latest work!

─ In the game, you will be required to typing a strange sentence. Is there any word that left an impression?

While focusing on speed, I often do not recognize the meaning of the characters I am hitting, but I remember the bosses that appear in Chapter 3.I have to type the correct answer with a three -choice quiz that the boss character is issued, but in the question of "what should not be put in the mouth", there is an option of "mother".When I saw it for the first time, I imagined, "Is your mother really in your mouth?"

Also, when I played with "RTA in Japan", "Hehehehehehe" came out, so it was difficult to input and it was a phrase that would lose power.It's quite concentrated during play, so it's scary because a little interesting word that makes you laugh more than a long and difficult word (laughs).

── Speaking of interesting, RTA -like techniques such as "keep unnecessary keys in advance" and "intentionally attack enemy attacks" are also interesting.

I often watch other challenges in the Seriyu RTA and study, and I learned techniques with reference to overseas players at The Typing of the Dead.However, because of the nature of typing games, there are few people who are trying to clear RTAs surprisingly, even though there are score attacks and "one coin challenge" that aims to clear with 1 credit, so in Japan I will be a pioneer.It's a competition population.You may have been interested in seeing my RTA, and there is a lot of possibility that new techniques that will reduce time will increase depending on your future research.

── The Typing of the Dead is a work that has a strong impact, but it is a deep game.

It's interesting just to see it thanks to the comicalness of Seryu Word, and there are so many points that can be devised as a player and there are many variations in how to play, and it's definitely a masterpiece.Thankfully, I looked at my RTA and said, "Nostalgic, I want to play again" and "I didn't know but interesting", so I'm glad if you can play.

However, now it has been reduced to be seen at game centers, and it is difficult to play at home.I think it will be even more interesting if you can play with the words that incorporate recent topics, so if you are waiting for the latest work, I would like to send it widely.

──I'm always write in the article!

Thank you (laughs).

[Profile] Serenade ☆ Yuuki

A distributor who distributes mainly in games.He is a Twitch -certified partner storymer and plays game time attacks every day for speed.He has a reputation for typing speed, and has entered the top 8 national tournaments.At the event, he has a time attack on typing games, and is currently the best record in the world.In addition, there are many hobbies, such as quizzes and juggling, and the language sense created from the curiosity in many directions has caused many pros and cons.