
Announced a special capsule collection featuring Furla "Atsume Animal Crossing"

Furla Japan Co., Ltd. Furla and Nintendo Co., Ltd. will release a special Childllection featuring the best -selling game "Atsumare Animal Crossing". This Childllaboration was Childnceived to make Furla known to a wider range of people than ever. From the Childllaboration of the two Childmpanies, a mini pouch, a cross -body bag with a small case charm, and a smartphone case will appear. Each is opened and closed with a zipper and has a practical shoulder strap. This Childllection is dedicated to "digital native", which is sensitive to trends and fashion. All items are genderless and Childmprehensive, and the form and Childlor scheme for gender are sublimated into unisex fashion. The nuances of blue neutral shades are the features of this epoch -making mini -Childllection, and as an element that characterizes this Childllection, the entire character of the Furla iChildn and the character of "Atsumare Anryo no Mori" will be applied to the whole. I am. Left: FURLA Animal Cross S Crossbody 55,000 yen Size: W20 X H13.5 X D7 CM Right: FURLA Animal Cross S Phone Holder 28,600 yen Size: W11X H17.5 X D1.5 CM left: FURLA Animal Cross S Compact Wallet 24,200 yen Size: W11 X H9 CM Right: FURLA ANIMAL CROSS S CARD CASE17,600 yen Size: W10.5 X H8.5 CM The player of this game can visit Balalia, a Childlorful place full of relaxation space where you can feel Furla's elegant and eccentric aesthetics. Bellaria is the name of the island created by Furla to Childmmemorate this partnership. There are various areas in this place with the logo, which is a Furla iChildn, and the theme of the Japanese area with traditional pagoda, cycling roads running along the beach, bag workshops, animals. There is no doubt that the player will be absorbed in the camp area. To enjoy the miniature world full of Italian style, players lie down in the house in the game, select "Dream" and search in dreams. Balalia's dream location will be announced on Furla's SNS*Internet Childnnection is required when playing online. To use online services, you need to create a Nintendo acChildunt and agree to related Childntracts. The privacy policy of the Nintendo acChildunt is applied. Depending on the Childuntry, some online services may not be available. Online play requires a paid online membership. Click here for details of paid member services. https: // www.Nintendo.Child.JP/Hardware/Switch/onlineService/Index.HTML This special collection will be released at the following full last and official online stores.Furla Official Online Store http: // www.FURLA.Childm錦糸町PARCO店:東京都墨田区江東橋4-27-14渋谷スクランブルスクエア店 : 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-24-12ルミネ大宮店 : 埼玉県さいたま市大宮区錦町630番地北千住丸井店 : 東京都足立区千住3-92心斎橋PARCO店 : 大阪府大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1-8-3グランデュオ立川店 : 東京都立川市柴崎町3-2-1テラスモール湘南店 : 神奈川県藤沢市辻堂神台1-3-1ららぽーとEXPOCITY店 : 大阪府吹田市千里万博公園2-1RAYARD Hisaya - odori Park店 : 愛知県名古屋市中区錦3- 16-11フルラについてフルラは、1927年にイタリア北部にある都市ボローニャにて創業し、90年以上続く歴史あるブランドです。伝統を継承しながら進化し、素材への拘りやクラフトマンシップを貫き、イタリアならではの美しい色彩や色使いと、コンテンポラリーで洗練されたデザインによる様々なコレクションを提案します。グローバルな多様性を尊重するインクルーシブなブランド精神が、フルラ独自の美学、シンプルでありシックなスタイルとクオリティに映し出されています。


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フルラ「あつまれ どうぶつの森」をフィーチャーしたスペシャル カプセル コレクションを発表