
[Business Creation Graduate School] 2/19 (Sat) MBA Special Class "Business Plan Creation Law to Learn from Zero" -For 5 Steps that form enthusiasm and ideas

The NSG Group NSG Group's Business Creation Graduate School University (3-1-46 Yoneyama, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi) is a special class entitled "STEP that forms a business plan to learn from zero". Will be held on February 19, 2022. Lecturer is Professor Sugimoto and others who are in charge of the "Business Plan Creation Law" at the Graduate School of Business Creation. In this class, we will explain how to create a business plan from zero with five steps in an easy -to -understand manner. Because it is held online, you can participate from anywhere you like. I hope this seminar will help you with your business. ■ Date 2022 (Saturday) 13: 30- ■ Theme "Business Plan Creating Learning from Zero" -For 5 Steps that form enthusiasm and ideas ~ ■ Overview, walk on the road In everyday life, such as when you are, or shopping, maybe it would be good for the world if this was solved? Everyone may have thought. When you feel that way, why not try it yourself and solve it? If you summarize your ideas and ideas as a business plan, that is the first step in starting a business. In this lecture, we will explain how to create a business plan from zero with five steps in an easy -to -understand manner. ■ Target persons, entrepreneurs, those who wish to start a new business, those in charge of entrepreneurship in the company, managers who are in charge of internal transformation, etc. ■ Lecturer Profile Lecturer: Business Creation Graduate School University. Professor Sugimoto, etc.

【事業創造大学院大学】2/19(土)MBA特別授業 開催「ゼロから学ぶビジネスプラン作成法」~熱意とアイデアを形にする5つのSTEP~

Business Creation Graduate School Professor Sugimoto, etc.

東北大学大学院工学研究科修了。博士(工学)。日本大学工学部情報工学科にて助手、専任講師。地域の情報化に貢献。その後 (株)パドラックを立ち上げ、現在代表取締役。オープンソースに特化したビジネスを展開。また、NPO、社会起業家や地域リーダー育成などの団体の立ち上げにも携わっている。■スケジュール13:10~ZOOMオープン13:30~14:00  大学院概要14:00~15:10  MBA特別授業 講師:Business Creation Graduate School Professor Sugimoto, etc.15:10~15:30  入学試験案内■開催/お申し込み方法ZOOMで開催します(参加無料・要予約)。お申込みをされた方へ参加アドレスをお送りいたします。お申込みは、下記、またはお電話、メールにて必要事項を入力のうえ、2/18(金)17時までにお申し込みください。お電話・メールの場合は、お名前・ご住所・電話番号・E-mail、イベントを知ったキッカケの5点をお伝えください。※申込アドレス(グーグルフォーム)はこちらからhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkWxMp6pxWu9KWl7O-SLC-JYTaKB6gpFknBMtvZ4O4Xe5hCw/viewform※チラシはこちらからhttps://www.jigyo.ac.jp/images/2022/01/2a23a55d15d2754b4904749279983cbe-1.pdf 【事業創造大学院大学】学長: 仙石 正和住所: 新潟市中央区米山3-1-46URL: http://www.jigyo.ac.jp/TEL: 025-255-1250   FAX: 025-255-1251

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