
Natural rain is washed.The new service "ECO Plus Diamond Keeper" is now available at Keeper Labo and Keeper Proshop nationwide

▲ New product "ECO Plus Legin"

自然の雨が洗車になる。 新サービス「ECOプラスダイヤモンドキーパー」 全国のKeePer LABO、KeePer PROSHOPにて順次取り扱い開始

The excessive beauty "EX Keeper" has been coming two years since its release.Customers who have installed the "EX Keeper" have been surprised at the glossy feeling that has never been experienced before, and at the same time as "the car has become so dirty."。The "EX keeper" has a unique anti -anti -fouling ability to prevent not only water repellency, but also "dirt" by Fandelwars (intercoline force) by the effect of the molecular structure on the special coating surface.increase.Therefore, even if dust falls on the painted surface in a fine weather, if it rains, dirt such as dust flows down with water that has been played by the water repellent power of the original surface, and it becomes beautiful as if you washed it.** Except in the case where the rain itself contains yellow sand etc. and it is dirty, it will be beautiful if you wash the car.Therefore, this phenomenon was "Natural rain is washed by car washing.It was expressed as an effect.Keeper coating is a revolutionary product that saves the hassle of car wash, and can reduce the number of car wash.In recent years, environmental problems are attracting attention, but keeping keeping a keeper, it can be expected to have a large water -saving effect and reduce the use of detergents, so it contributes to reducing environmental impact.We hope that more customers will experience the mysterious and dramatic effects of this "EX keeper", and this time, we will launch the new "ECO Plus Diamond Keeper (hereinafter, ECO Diamond)"."ECO Diamond" constructs a new chemical "ECO Plus Resin" instead of conventional resin 2 on the surface of the best -selling "Diamond Keeper", and "Natural rain is washed.] The effect was realized.The gloss of the coating is the "Diamond Keeper" class, but it is a new sense of product that has the effect of being cleaned as if it rained.The offer price is the same price as the "W Diamond Keeper" class.Until now, the "EX Keeper" required very delicate work to create overwhelming gloss and touch, requires construction in a sealed booth, and limited construction stores among Keeper Proshop.However, "ECO Diamond" does not require as delicate work as an "EX keeper", so if there are environments and engineers who can construct normal "diamond keeper", it is not limited to construction shops, and many customers.It is a product that can be provided.Since the end of January 2022, it has been sold at Keeper Labo nationwide, and has been handling KeePer Proshop sequentially.By all means, please try the "ECO Plus Diamond Keeper" where natural rain is washed at Keeper near you.URL: https: // keeperlabo.JP/Service/Coating/Eco_dia/

①ダイヤモンドキーパーと同等のツヤ②EXキーパーと同等の自浄効果※③Wダイヤモンドキーパーと同価格 ※自然の雨で汚れが落ちる効果

※雨が降らない日が続くなど、天候や使用環境によって汚れが付着する場合がありますが、ほとんどの場合、水洗いだけで簡単に汚れを落とすことができます。■「KeePer技研」についてKeePer技研はカーコーティング、洗車用ケミカルと機器等の開発、製造、販売の他、ガソリンスタンド併設型の「KeePer PRO SHOP (キーパープロショップ) 」と、屋内施工設備完備の専門店「KeePer LABO (キーパーラボ) 」の2種類の店舗展開を全国で行っています。■「KeePer(キーパー)」について車の塗装そのものが持っている本質的な輝きを引き出し、「車を守る Wの透明被膜」それがキーパーです。キーパーのボディガラスコーティング「クリスタルキーパー」「ダイヤモンドキーパー」「Wダイヤモンドキーパー」は、従来のポリシラザン系ガラスコーティングとは異なり、塗装の劣化が進行していない限り、経年車であっても研磨不要で驚きのツヤを出すことができます。一般的なコーティングよりも遥かに厚く柔軟なWの透明被膜を施工することができ、 雨風や雪にも強く、また洗車機での洗車も可能です。■会社概要社名  KeePer技研株式会社設立年月日1993年2月資本金13億4,755万円(2021年6月末 現在)代表取締役社長兼COO 賀来 聡介住所 〒474-0046 愛知県大府市吉川町四丁目17番地公式HPhttp://www.keepercoating.jp/corp/■事業内容・カーコーティング、洗車用ケミカルと機器等の開発・製造・販売・カーコーティング技術認定店「キーパープロショップ」の展開・カーコーティングと洗車の専門店「キーパーラボ」の運営