[Windows] + [Shift] + [S] Capture menus and tooltips that disappear with the key [Windows 10/11]: Tech Tips
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Target: Windows 10/11
メニューやツールチップを表示した状態でキャプチャーするには[PrintScrn]キーや[Windows]+[Shift]+[S]キーでキャプチャーしようとすると、メニューなどは閉じてしまう。メニューなどを表示した状態のキャプチャーを撮る方法を紹介しよう。You may have to take screenshots (screen capture) by creating an in -house application manual.At that time, maybe the full screen is captured with the [PRINTSCRN] key, or only the window is captured using the [Windows] + [Shift] + [S] key.
However, menus and tooltips cannot be captured because they close the key.In such a case, use the "SnipPing Tool" app.By using the delay function of the "SNIPPING TOOL" application, you can take screenshots with open menus.Let's introduce how to do that.
Menus and tooltips are closed when key inputs, so to capture these, it is necessary to prevent key operation when capturing.The "Snipping Tool" app, which is a standard tool of Windows 10/11, is equipped with a delay function, and can be captured after a certain period of time.By using this function, you can capture menus and tooltips.
However, there are differences in the menu configuration for Windows 10 and Windows 11's "SnipPing Tool" application.Here, it is introduced in the menu name and behavior of Windows 10, and only the major differences in Windows 11 are added.
Windows 10の「Snipping Tool」アプリWindows 10の「Snipping Tool」アプリは、1秒から5秒の間で遅延時間を指定できる。Windows 11の「Snipping Tool」アプリWindows 11の「Snipping Tool」アプリは、遅延時間を3秒、5秒、10秒から選択する。First, start the "Snipping Tool" app in the following steps.
When the "SNIPPING TOOL" app starts, open the [Mode] menu (in Windows 11, [Cut Mode] menu), and the capture mode you want to get is "Free formal regional cutting", "square area cutout", "Window".Select from the area cutting and "full -screen area cutting".
After displaying the screen you want to capture, select the number of seconds you want to delay in the [Delay] menu, and click [Create].The capture is executed after the selected time passes.In other words, it is necessary to operate the screen that you want to capture during this time and display the menu or tool tip.
The delay time differs between Windows 10 and Windows 11 as follows.
If you cannot display it in time, the capture will be executed, so practice the operation procedure in advance.Especially if you want to display the sub menu, you should know the procedure and position that can be displayed quickly.
After the time has passed, the color of the desktop screen changes (for example, it becomes white translucent), so select the range and window according to the selected mode.
If you select "Square area cutting" in the mode, move the mouse pointer (" +" cursor) to one corner of the area you want to capture, and then drag the pointer to the diagonal of the area with left -clicking.The selected area is a normal color.If you can select the area you want to capture, remove the left -click, and the cut area will be automatically copied to the clipboard and the "SnipPing Tool" app window (mark -up window).
You can attach the image data in the clipboard to the "Paint" application, or draw a line in the mark -up window of the "SnipPing Tool" application, and save it in the file.
「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(1)Windows 10の場合、[スタート]メニューを開き、[Windowsアクセサリ]−[Snipping Tool]を選択して、「Snipping Tool」アプリを起動する。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(2)[モード]メニューでキャプチャーの形式を選択する。ここでキャプチャーが起動した場合は[Esc]キーでキャンセルできる。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(3)[遅延]メニューで遅延時間を選択する。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(4)キャプチャーしたいウィンドウなどを表示してから、[新規作成]をクリックする。遅延している間にメニューなどを表示する。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(5)遅延時間が経過するとキャプチャー状態となるので、選択したモードに合わせて範囲を選択したり、ウィンドウをクリックしたりする。「四角形の領域切り取り」を選択した場合は、開始点でマウスをクリックしたまま、キャプチャーしたい対角までドラッグする。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(6)選択した範囲は正常の色になり、キャプチャーする範囲が分かる。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(7)マウスボタンを離すと、「Snipping Tool」アプリにキャプチャーした画像が読み込まれる。遅延機能を使うことで、メニューもキャプチャーできた。▼「Snipping Tool」アプリの遅延キャプチャーを使う(8)「Snipping Tool」アプリに読み込まれるのと同時にクリップボードにも保存されるので、「ペイント」アプリなどに[Ctrl]+[V]キーで貼り付けることもできる。In the case of a "window cut -out", if you put a mouse pointer on the window you want to capture, only the window will be normal.Click in that state to capture the window.If the menu protrudes from the window, the part cannot be captured, so make sure that it is in the window in advance.
If you select "Cutting full -screen area", the entire desktop will be normal after the time, so click the mouse to capture the entire screen.
In the case of Windows 10, please note that if you change the mode, the capture will be executed at that point.If the capture is executed intentionally, you can cancel by pressing the [ESC] key.
In the case of Windows 10, delay capture is possible in the "Cut / Sketch" app (in Windows 11, the "Cut & Sketch" app is integrated into the "Sniping Tool" app and is abolished).
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