
For those who want more buttons. 9-button lightweight gaming mouse "Rival 5" that can be used normally

Adding 3 buttons without discomfort in a shape that can be used normally

Viewed from directly above. It can be said that it has an orthodox shape

Next, let's look at the actual machine. The body size is standard for a gaming mouse, and there are no holes in the body for weight reduction. The shape is also slightly slanted from left to right at the tip, and it swells slightly from the back to the front. This is also a familiar shape, and there is nothing unusual about it.

When you hold it in your hand, it certainly feels light for its size. Although the shape looks safe, the buttons and sides are curved to fit the hand well, and the fit is quite good. Originally it weighs about 85g, but it feels lighter than that.

The housing is made of ABS plastic. The surface is treated with a rough surface, and the part that hits the thumb has a slightly rougher finish. Overall, it has a smooth feel.

For those who want more buttons. A 9-button lightweight gaming mouse that can be used normally

The sensor position is about the center of the body. One large sole is used at the top and one at the bottom. The sole has a hole near the sole that can be peeled off with a finger, perhaps considering the replacement.


Buttons with small holes so that the sole can be easily peeled off are left and right clicks, a wheel, and a DPI switching button on the top. The wheel only rotates and tilting left and right is not supported. The two buttons on the left side are also in standard positions, and can be used normally for operations such as forwarding and returning the browser by pressing with the thumb.

It doesn't feel out of place when you pick it up and use it as a normal mouse. It is orthodox and safe, and it gives the impression that anyone can use it without discomfort. This is a big attraction for this machine.

Let's take a look at the remaining three buttons of note. Both mounts are on the left side, one just above the two side buttons and another towards the tip from where your thumb rests.

The left side. It looks like there are four buttons

I was confused at first, saying, "Oh, there are only two additional buttons?", But the button above the side button is actually a switch that moves up and down. It's becoming You can enter up and down, so this is 2 buttons.

The switch sticks out above the two side buttons to prevent accidental side button presses for up and down inputs. In addition, by combining with the side button, you can intuitively operate the up, down, left, and right buttons.

The other button on the tip of your thumb is a simple push. It is a large button that is bent in the shape of a dog, so that it can be pressed correctly both in front of and behind the letter. In the case of the writer, who is a little smaller than a typical man's hand, I can reach the bottom of the letter with just a little thumb. It's a good distance to press when you want to press it, and it's hard to make a mistake.

The cable is pretty soft and light. It is as soft as the braided ones used in other companies' gaming mice. Another feature is that the cable lays slightly upward.

right side. No buttons here The cable is pretty soft