
Exercises to prevent bad breath learned from Ms. Kyoko Takarada! Eliminate dry mouth and facial sagging by rolling your tongue 3 times a day

The smell that bothered me the most was bad breath!

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As you age, the amount of saliva decreases, and the problem of bad breath increases. We asked Dr. Kyoko Takarada, a dentist, to teach us about the causes of bad breath, how to prevent it, and how to get rid of bad breath by "tongue rolling," "chewing exercises," and salivary gland massage.

My biggest concern was bad breath!

Halmek WEB

When we conducted a questionnaire on 1307 women about ``the most worrisome part of their own odor'', the result was that ``bad breath'' was the most worrisome about their own odor. 1st place: bad breath 54.9% 2nd place: head odor 22.2% 3rd place: body odor 11.5% From the "Magazine Halmek February 2019 Reader Postcard Questionnaire", 1307 respondents

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath can be broadly divided into pathological and physiological. Pathological bad breath is caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease, and ill-fitting dentures, and requires treatment. On the other hand, physiological bad breath is something that everyone has. In particular, as we age, the balance between bad and good bacteria in the mouth is disrupted due to hormonal imbalance and a decrease in saliva secretion, and it is unavoidable that physiological bad breath will occur.

Bad breath prevention exercises learned from Kyoko Takarada Twist your tongue 3 times a day to get rid of dry mouth and sagging face

To prevent bad breath, know the daily rhythm of bad breath

Example of daily bad breath rhythm

So what can you do to prevent bad breath? Let's start by knowing your daily bad breath rhythm. For example, no one wakes up in the morning without bad breath. This is because during sleep, saliva production decreases and bacteria that cause bad breath grow. The same applies when you are hungry. And when you eat, the bad breath level goes down at once. Chewing your food will produce saliva, moisten your mouth, and reduce bacteria that cause bad breath. In other words, the key to preventing bad breath is to make saliva your ally. You can moisten your mouth during the time when bad breath is strong. However, don't immediately rely on candy, gum, or drinks just because you're thirsty. It is important to use the functions of your body to produce saliva.

Eliminate dry mouth and facial sagging by rolling your tongue three times a day


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First of all, 3 times a day, rotate your tongue in a large circle in your mouth, pressing firmly on the back of your lips. It stimulates the salivary glands under the lips and in the mucous membranes of the cheeks, promoting the secretion of saliva and moistening the mouth. By rotating the eyes at the same time, both the orbicularis oris muscle around the mouth and the orbicularis oculi muscle around the eyes are trained, which has the effect of activating the eyes and mouth. For those who are concerned about sagging of the face, it is recommended to try the "Tongue Spinning" along with the "Takarada Exercise"! 1Put your tongue between your upper lip and gums 2Push up your right nasolabial fold from the back side 3Trace your lower right gumline 4Put your tongue between your lower lip and gums 5Push up your left nasolabial fold from the back side 6( 1) When you return to the position of 1), complete one lap 7 Swallow the saliva that comes out while looking down 8 Cool down the muscles used in the tongue rotation