
Excessive training speeds up aging! ? A lifestyle that suppresses "aging" explained by Professor Makoto Nakanishi of the Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo. "Immortal" is impossible, but "eternal age" may be realized <Part 2>

Some calorie restriction is known to slow down aging (Photo credit: Photo AC)

Excessive training accelerates aging! A lifestyle that suppresses " title=" Excessive training speeds up aging! ? A lifestyle that suppresses "aging" explained by Professor Makoto Nakanishi of the Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo. "Immortal" is impossible, but "eternal age" may be realized " >

A research team at the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo discovered a "GLS-1 inhibitor" as a drug that removes "senescent cells" that cause "aging" from mouse experiments. In the future, this medicine may lead to a future where people can keep youthfulness and health even as they age. However, there is still a long way to go before it becomes practical. Makoto Nakanishi, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who is part of the research team, explains the lifestyle habits that can be started now to prevent aging. If it becomes possible, "immortality" may not be possible, but "immortality" may be realized someday. However, it is not right now, so I wonder if it is possible to put into practice something that will lead to the suppression of aging even a little in our daily lives. As someone who has studied cellular senescence, I would like to propose some practical ideas. It is difficult to adjust, but in fact, it is known that adding a very small amount of stress can suppress aging. Excessive stress accelerates aging, but if you continue to apply moderate or mild stress, you can acquire resistance to stress. As a result, aging of cells can be suppressed to some extent. For example, many dieters restrict their calories, and it is known that a certain amount of calorie restriction slows down aging. It is a mild calorie restriction, refraining from about 80% of the necessary intake, suppressing the desire to eat and applying light stress.

Aging can be treated! ] (Author: Makoto Nakanishi / Takarajimasha)

◆What is important in the eighth sentence of the stomach is that by restricting calories to a certain extent, the coenzyme called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) increases in the body. Calorie restriction and NAD go hand in hand, and when you're starving, your body needs more NAD. And this NAD is said to improve various age-related symptoms by promoting metabolism. The wisdom of the old people called 80% of the stomach actually had a very important meaning. However, don't force yourself into really intense starvation just because hunger is good. Too much stress speeds up aging. Occasionally, people who want to lose weight in one fell swoop have a very extreme calorie restriction that is close to fasting, but it has the opposite effect. The stress load is too strong, and even if you can lose weight, aging will progress at once. Stress should be kept low. However, since the required amount of energy intake varies greatly from person to person, it is very difficult to determine how much is "moderate" for a person, even if it is a moderate calorie restriction. There are often charts that show the amount of energy required per day based on age, gender, amount of physical activity, etc., but the appropriate amount of calories for a person varies greatly depending on their body type, metabolic state, and daily activities. . It would be irresponsible to say "moderate calorie restriction" without knowing the appropriate calorie for each individual. I am in a situation where I cannot say anything positively about it. However, aging can be suppressed by moderate calorie restriction while paying attention to nutritional balance. The same can be said for UV rays. A small amount of UV rays strengthens the body and acts rather as a preventive against aging. However, it is difficult to ascertain the “small amount”. Exceeding that limit damages cells and accelerates aging, so it's really difficult.