Ukrainian stray cat gets a job at the History Museum as a mouse extermination worker
February 27 (Sun) 9:00 Cat Journal
At the Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum, located in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, a cat officially finds a job as a mouse extermination worker, and in addition to his original mission, he is also tasked with being petted by visitors. I found the topic, so I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the cat clusters. Check out the newsreel from the local TV station that aired in 2019. {"@context": "http: \ / \ / \ /", "@id": "https: \ / \ / \ /? p = 21850 # arbeb-youtube-pkofqytlw7c621abf0aa8f0c764383466", " type ":" VideoObject "," embedURL ":" https: \ / \ / \ / embed \ /pkofqyTLW7c?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&https:\/\/ youtu_be \ / pkofqyTLW7c & autoplay = 0 "," name ":" Three Cats Have Taken Control of One Ukrainian City --YouTube \ u3000Cliffhanger \ u3000black cat --YouTube "," thumbnailUrl ":" http: \ / \ / \ /vi\/pkofqyTLW7c\/maxresdefault.jpg "," uploadDate ":" 2019 \ / 10 \ / 20 "," description ":" Three Cats Have Taken Control of One Ukrainian City "} At one of Ukraine's leading history museums, which has a collection of more than 250,000 items, Simon of Moffmoftaby lives and works as a museum-certified cat. Originally a cat that was protected from a disease on the street, his job is to prevent mice from appearing in the courtyard and utility room of the history museum, but he is also in charge of healing visitors. is. In the same news video, Masha, a black and white cat protected at a certain hospital, and Biden, a naughty tea tabby who lives in the Doniplo city council, are also introduced, and Masha chooses a pregnant woman who is about to give birth and is nearby. In addition to being a sedentary and childbirth timing alarm, Biden is engaged in the task of roaming on papers and tables as a source of heart for Congressional staff who may seem to be busy. It seems that it is. Click here for text content that has the same content as the video. For the reason you all know, the Dnipropetrovsk National History Museum is currently closed due to the door being closed by "visitors", and I sincerely hope that Simon and all of you will be safe. Please check the link for the donation reception desk of the UNHCR Association, Yahoo! Net Fundraising (ADRA Japan), and the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan. [Three Cats Have Taken Control of One Ukrainian City / YouTube] The post Ukrainian stray cats get a job at the History Museum as a rat extermination worker first appeared on Cat Journal.