
ASCII.jp Wi-Fi 6 Decided to make home PC wireless with 11ax compatible router "RT-AX88U"

Jisa Trippei. Sorry for the sudden personal matter, but I recently moved. The room I used to live in was 1K (approximately 19 square meters), about 6.5 tatami mats, but it has become quite cramped for a single, self-made PC aristocrat in his mid-30s. So, I rented a 1K (about 40 square meters) of 11.5 tatami mats. Rent is about 1.4% higher. Life is difficult, but I feel that the south-facing and open living space is irreplaceable. Long live the move. Farewell, dirty room.

By the way, when the room gets bigger, the furniture needs to be upgraded accordingly. I need two ceiling lights, and the humidifying air purifier I've been using is clearly not enough. Therefore, I decided to purchase Daikin's high-end model "MCK70UY-W". Although it is outdated, I was attracted by the fact that it uses a "TAFU filter" that maintains its dust collection capacity for 10 years.

ASCII.jp Wi-Fi 6 Decided to make my home PC wireless with the 11ax compatible router

In addition, it is equipped with a smartphone link function, so you can access the MCK70UY-W from outside the LAN as well as within the LAN through the app and check the room condition (PM2.5, dust, odor). There is no particular need for remote monitoring, but isn't that fine? "visualization". I'm at an age where I want to collect data on everything.

Daikin's high-end humidifying air purifier "MCK70UY-W". Casters (sold separately) are attached to make it easier to move when cleaning. Maybe because it has a very sensitive smell sensor, there are times when I hit the accelerator even when I'm getting close to getting out of the bath, which hurts my heart a little...

And every time the number of Wi-Fi connected devices increases, I think about "completely wireless home devices". Of course, smartphones and laptops are connected via Wi-Fi, but when using desktop PCs, such as when downloading PC games, the data transfer speed is critical. I was.

However, due to housing conditions, the WAN at my new house has reached a maximum of 100 Mbps (previously 1 Gbps), so I thought I wouldn't have to worry about wires anymore. Nonetheless, I want to access NAS etc. at a speed close to wired in the LAN. That's why we introduced the leading role this time, ASUS's ultra-high-speed wireless LAN router "RT-AX88U". Sorry for the long introduction...

ASUS IEEE 802.11ax compatible router "RT-AX88U". The actual selling price is around 46,800 yen.