
Cisco Systems OS for router "Cisco IOS XE" supports "OCN Virtual Connect (IPOE)"


 シスコシステムズのルーター用OS「Cisco IOS XE」が「OCNバーチャルコネクト(IPoE)」に対応

Cisco Systems Dynasty Company says on March 1 that the router OS "Cisco IOS XE" supports the IPv6 IPOE -connected Internet connection wholesale service "OCN Virtual Connect Service (IPOE)" provided by NTT Communications Co., Ltd.It was announced.Cisco IOS XE is an OS for the company's enterprise router, and in addition to the OCN Virtual Connect Service that supports this time, the "V6 Plus Fixed IP Service" provided by Japan Network Einow Blur Co., Ltd.It also supports "Transix Service".The company says that the ISP can add Cisco IOS XE -equipped routers to the service provider lineup, which will have the opportunity for more end users to adopt services.

Internet Watch, Yuki Matsunaga