
[Overcoming the earthquake] Three years after the East of the Hokkaido Iburi.Creating a sustainable person for people living in the forest

[Challenge of Atsuma-cho, Hokkaido, a variety of forestry] September 6 (Monday) 19: 00-20: 30 + Relationships (online) Ticket page: https: // Atsuma0906.peatix.COM/

This is a creative project based on forests and designs, which are made with members from all over the country in Atsuma -cho.It began on September 6, last year, the second year of the earthquake, and started a project to up -cycle the affected trees with the intent of "I will engrave the memories of forgotten disasters on the annual ring."During the development process, not only the disaster -affected trees, but also the forests that are thrown away without being used in the time of logging, so the direction is "a product that circulates in the Atsuma ecosystem system".We have defined and promoted product creation.

Two products born from "ATSUMA 96% Project"."ITATANI" and "VOSA HOOK"."ITATANI" is a cutting board in Ainu's words.As a product up -cycle of old materials affected by the earthquake, a new life was blown by an up -and -coming graphic designer Kazuki Kobayashi.


"VOSA HOOK" is a product born from the ideas of Atsuma -cho members.It started with the desire to give a new value to the forest as it is thrown away in the forest by paying a tree from the forest.Ito Kenji, a product designer of the design unit "MUTE", sublimated the branches into products.There was only one product in a world where a beautiful sense of aesthetics was sharpened in the form of nature.



The supervision of the two products was Yoshio Sakai, a Rokurosha director.We repeated dialogue with Atsuma -cho members, pursued products that fit the land and people, and completed the product after trial and error.Graphic designer Kazuki Kobayashi: https: // www.Instagram.COM/kobayashi.IKKI/? HL = jamute Itouken: http:// www.MU-TE.COM/ろくろ舎 酒井義夫:http://rokurosha.JP/And the production of the product has begun in Atsuma -cho.The product that has been raised carefully.Pre -release will be performed only for this event.

How the collected branches are boiled and the peeling work is performed

Old timber work scenery

ATSUMANOKI 96 (Representative Director: Takayuki Nakagawa) was established, centered on members involved in this project in Atsuma -cho and have been involved in this project.In the ecosystem in Atsuma -cho, we are working on the goal of "nurturing a sustainable forestry that circulates" and "increasing and raising the people involved in the forest."The characteristic of Atsuma Machi Forest work lies in its diversity.It is a great attraction that unique members who are not bound by existing forestry frames will show infinite possibilities in forestry.At the event, we will introduce the introduction of unique members and future activities.

ATSUMANOKI 96 members

Takayuki Nakagawa

大学時代に森林の世界に出会い林業現場を9年・広葉樹製材の現場を4年経験。森林とエンドユーザーをつなぐ製材加工での生業作りを目指し厚真町地域おこし協力隊として活動しながら2年前に「木の種社」を設立。丹羽智大1958年に祖父が創業し1990年に法人化された『有限会社丹羽林業』に3代目次期社長として勤務。2019年には北海道より北海道青年林業士として認定され、地域林業のリーダーとしての活動を期待されている。西埜将世道が無くても、木々の間を縫うように丸太を搬出することができる利点を活かして、馬の力を使って、間伐搬出作業の仕事をメインに起業。その他、教育分野での働く馬の活用、ワイン畑での馬耕など、今の時代に合った形でのワーキングホースの活用の形を試行している。坂野昇平今年の4月より地域おこし協力隊として厚真町に移住。人が集う森づくり・森林空間デザインができる林業事業家になることが目標。CNCルーター導入し、デジタル制御の木工に挑戦中。薪割りが好き。鈴木大輔2017年厚真町に移住し胆振東部地震を機に木工の世界へ飛び込み一から勉強し起業。ATSUMA CRAFT WOOD IKORを設立。通常は捨てられてしまうような木材を有効利用したり地元厚真町で育った木にこだわって作品を製作。永山尚貴厚真町地域おこし協力隊林業支援員に応募し移住。その後習得した林業や樹上伐採の技術や趣味の木工を生かして、「森林の入り口」を起業。大人や子どもが楽しく森林へ足を踏み入れるキッカケづくりを日々思案中。「ATSUMA96%」の新たな挑戦は、まだ始まったばかりです。いつか厚真町にも足を運んでいただける日が来ることを願いつつ、まずはオンラインでお会いしましょう。デザインに興味がある方、まちづくりに関わっている方、森林保全に取り組んでいる方、循環型社会に関心がある方、厚真町のファンの方、多くのみなさまのご参加をお待ちしています。


It is a hybrid team with members from other regions, mainly in Atsuma -cho.ATSUMANOKI 96 from Atsuma -cho, and from other areas, the following members are participating.Yoshio Sakai (Rokurosha, product supervision) Katsuaki Sato (BRIDGE KUMAMOTO, Creative Supervised) Naoko Murakami (BRIDGE KUMAMOTO, Community Formation) Tomoko Otsuka (Dot Butto, Community Formation) Yusuke OtsukaCorporation, Project General) Aia Okuda (Dot Button Company Co., Ltd., Director) Yoko Ishikawa (Director, Director)

dot button companyについて

Dot Button Company Co., Ltd. produces from fan marketing, strategic design to casting direction event projects.With the philosophy of "developing experiences", we are promoting projects that solve various social issues in business methods.Official site: https: // dotButtonCompany.Comdot Button Company Co., Ltd. Location: Tokyo Setagaya -ku, Tokyo: Yusuke Nakaya