
[Q] What is the Default Gateway?

The router transfers packets according to the IP address or routing table in the LAN

At this time, what is described as a transfer destination is a network device called "router".When the router receives the packet, if the destination is connected to himself, the packet will be sent directly to the destination IP address, and if not, the packet will be transferred according to his routing table.


The broadband router used in home LAN is also a type of router.If you receive a packet addressed to the Internet from a PC or smartphone connected to the LAN, the packet will be transferred to the ISP router.

If you assign an IP address to devices in the LAN by "DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)", the default gateway is usually set automatically, so you do not need to be aware of users.However, if you manually set an IP address, you need to set the default gateway yourself.


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