
SO-NET, which develops the communication line "So-net Hikari MINICO" perfect for living alone, investigates the wallet situation and communication environment in their 20s!The wallet situation in the 20s Remote Worker is severe!?

"So-net Hikari minico", which has a perfect price and specifications

調査概要 ●調査時期:2022年2月15日(火)〜2022年2月22日(火) ●調査手法:インターネット調査●調査対象:20代で週に1日以上リモートワークをし、1時間以上PC作業をしている 一人暮らしの働く男女380人(男性150人、女性230人)※本調査では、小数第2位を四捨五入しているため、数字の合計が100%とならない場合があります。
■20代一人暮らしの働く男女、7割は収入が増えずお金の使い方を見直したい 20代の一人暮らしの男女で、週1日以上リモートワークする有職者380人を対象に、春の新生活に向け、生活費に関する調査を行いました。 まず、前年との収入の変化を聞くと、「前年と変わらない」(51.1%)が半数、「前年から減少した」と答えた人が16.8%となり、収入が増えていない20代が7割近く(67.9%)にも上ります。収入が増えていないことと関係しているのでしょうか、毎月のお金の使い方について、20代一人暮らしの4人に3人は「見直しが必要」(75.5%)と答えています。■なるべく低く抑えたい毎月の固定費。いちばん抑えたい固定費は、光熱費より支出が大きい「通信費」 支出の見直しを考える中、毎月の固定費について聞くと、9割が「なるべく低く抑えたい」(90.8%)と答えました。抑えたい固定費の種類は、スマホやケータイ、インターネット回線などの「通信費」(64.1%)が最も多くなっています。 通信費が固定費として発生している人に1カ月の金額を聞くと、平均で月額9,210円となりました。これは光熱費の月額平均8,789円より、毎月421円高く、1年間では5,000円以上高いことになります。一人暮らしの20代にとって、光熱費よりも負担が大きい通信費は、より低く抑えたい固定費のようです。 ■20代一人暮らしのリモートワーカー、リモートワークの継続とリモートワークに適した住環境を希望 今回の調査対象者は週1日以上リモートワークをする人たちですが、今後もリモートワークを続けたいかと聞くと、75.8%と4人に3人が「リモートワークを続けたい」と答えました。 また、リモートワークに適した家に引っ越したいかと聞くと、1割がすでに「引っ越しした」(10.3%)、2割は「引っ越しをする予定がある」(20.3%)と答えました。また、3割は具体的な予定はないものの「引っ越ししたいと思っている」(35.0%)と答えており、20代一人暮らしリモートワーカーの65.5%が、リモートワークに適した住環境を望んでいることがわかりました。■20代一人暮らしのリモートワーカー、4人に1人がコロナ禍で通信環境をハイスペックに変更 コロナ禍でおうち時間が増えていますが、コロナ禍以降の自宅の通信環境について聞くと、4人に1人が「ハイスペックに変更」(25.5%)しています。ハイスペックな通信環境に変更した97人にその理由を聞くと、「リモートワークが増えた」(45.4%)がいちばんの理由となっており、リモートワークのために通信環境をハイスペックなものに変えている人が多いことがわかりました。 ■リモートワーカーで光回線を使うのは半数以下 自宅のインターネット回線の種類を聞くと、「光回線」(44.5%)、「ホームルーター」(14.2%)、「モバイルWi-Fiルーター」(11.3%)、「CATV」(7.1%)でした。光回線を使う人が最も多いものの、55.5%は光回線以外の回線を利用しています。一般的に使用される通信回線の中で、光回線は「通信が最も安定している」といわれていますが、ビデオ通話やデータのやりとりなどが多いリモートワーカーでも、光回線を利用している人が半分以下にとどまりました。 ■光回線を利用していない20代一人暮らしのリモートワーカーは、回線満足度が低い その理由とは? 自宅でのリモートワーク中のインターネット回線に対する満足度を聞くと、20代一人暮らしの場合、8割は「満足」(79.2%)していますが、2割(20.8%)は不満を抱えています。これを利用している回線別に見ると、光回線利用者の満足度88.8%に対し、光回線以外の利用者は71.6%と低くなっています。満足していないと答えた人に不満点を聞くと、「回線が不安定」(45.6%)、「通信速度が遅い」(39.2%)が二大不満点として挙げられました。■20代一人暮らしの6割が自宅で光回線を利用したい。でも、費用が高くスペックを持て余しがち…自分にぴったりな光回線が欲しい! 20代一人暮らしで自宅で光回線を利用していない211人に、自宅で光回線を利用したいかと聞くと、6割が「利用したい」(59.2%)と答えました。光回線を利用したいと答えた125人に、利用したいと思うのに光回線を利用しない理由を聞くと、「費用が高い」(36.8%)が最も多く、次いで光回線は「自身の生活に対し持て余してしまう」(27.2%)が挙げられました。  自宅で利用しているインターネット回線の速度について聞くと、光回線以外を利用する人では「不足」と感じる人がやや多い(持て余し気味25.1%<不足25.6%)程度ですが、光回線を利用する人では、不足はないものの、「持て余し気味」と感じる人(持て余し気味32.0%>不足8.9%)がぐっと多くなっています。20代一人暮らしのリモートワーカーは、「自宅に光回線を引きたいけど、自分には持て余しそう…」と感じているようです。価格スペックも自分にぴったりな、ちょうどいい光回線が求められています。

■ In an era where income does not increase, "perfect for me" is the selection criterion. In this survey, 70 % of the 20s have not increased income, but unfortunately this situation is likely to continue for a while.Young people's income sluggishness has been highlighted due to the corona evil, but in fact, it has been going on for about 20 years.The salary system for office workers is a performance -type reward that matches the performance of the former seniority, and it is difficult to increase income just by working normally.However, even if the income does not increase, food and fixed costs are required.Instead of being patient because of no money, the need to choose something that is just right for your life in a limited budget is increasing, and companies provide products and services that are corresponding to it.Rather than buying a similar moderate thing, you can identify products and services wisely according to your income according to your priority and necessity, and choose something that is perfect for you.It seems that consumption will expand.Like the former bubble era, everything is higher!Instead of aiming for, choosing something that suits your height is a wise choice in an era where your income does not increase.■ Control for fixed costs, first of all, there are many people who want to move to a house suitable for remote work in this survey from a rent with a large amount to the amount of money, but the rent is a large fixed cost for living alone.。If the rent is within 25%for the income of the takeover, it will be easier to manage fixed costs.There is also a rent subsidy system for the company, so it cannot be said unconditionally, but for example, if the income is 200,000 yen, the rent is about 50,000 yen.With this amount, living alone in the city center seems to be severe, but it may be good to devise a room share.Estimated savings should be 40 % if you live in your parents' home, at least 10 % for living alone, and 20 % if possible.■ A new life starts in April Among the fixed costs of living alone in their 20s, "communication" is important, priority, and a lot of expenses.I think it is the number one fixed cost that you want to keep.We use both communication costs and utilities every day, but the amount that can be suppressed even if we review the usage to save utility costs is insignificant, and it may not be effective due to the environment such as temperature.Therefore, if you want to reduce fixed costs, we recommend that you review your communication plan.In April, when the new year begins, the living environment will change, so it's just the right time to review your plan.■ Don't forget to check the contract period and penalties!In the twenties, a plan that is not tied up is that the contract period tends to be overlooked when choosing a fixed cost plan for communication expenses.In some cases, a penalty will be incurred at the time of cancellation if you sign a contract because the fee is a big deal.If you live alone in your 20s, you may want to move suddenly.In such a case, it is troublesome to have a contract period.In addition, there is a plan that a set of XX and XX will result in a big deal, but such a "set discount" system is not recommended for the 20s whose lifestyle is easy to change.The footwork is as light as possible!I would like you to choose a plan that is perfect for you, with few conditions such as contract period and penalties, and costs and functions.I think that this "So-net Hikari Minico" is also a great advantage that there is little binding.For those in their twenties, whose environment tends to change in various environments, such as reviewing, moving, moving, I thought it was a very attractive condition in addition to the price of price.If you want to reduce fixed costs, we recommend that you review your contract once, including communication costs.

ひとり暮らしにぴったりな通信回線「So-net 光 minico」を展開するSo-netが20代のお財布事情と通信環境を調査! 20代リモートワーカーのお財布事情はシビア!?

Ayako Sakamoto

Financial Planner (Japan FP Association Certified CFP®) Ayako Sakamoto Office

Graduated from Meiji University Faculty of Letters.She repeatedly used the savings rebound that she would use in her twenties, but when she was 29, she was in charge of a women's magazine life insurance article, and she was a money writer for consumers.She began to cover and write articles, and she practiced her.In 1999, obtained a financial planner qualification.From 2008, he wrote articles such as "Deposit / Savings" and "Bank / Post Office" as an information site "All Avout" mangaide.He has been active as an independent FP since 2010, and has been conducting household consultations and seminar lecturers.In my recent book, "Please tell me how to save money that I can live every day even with an annual income of 2 million yen!].

■ Price and specifications are just right for living alone!Sony Network Communications Co., Ltd., in the Internet connection service "So-NET", a new plan "So-NET Hikari Minico (Minico)", a new plan that allows you to use optical lines at a reasonable price depending on the dedicated bandwidth.It is provided from the moon.This plan is a dedicated network with a maximum communication speed of 1Gbps1), and there is no minimum usage period or penalty setting, so customers can use the optical line at a low price.In recent years, the need for fixed communication services has been rapidly diversifying due to changes in lifestyles and the increase in smartphone native generations, such as the penetration of teleworks that emerge in corona.As is clear in this survey, if you are living alone in your 20s, many people refrain from using optical lines, but they seem to be more likely to have them in terms of cost and specifications.Therefore, in this plan, the service to be attached is simple, and a network for this plan is provided 2), 3,400 yen for apartment housing plans, and 4,500 yen for detached houses.There is no minimum usage period or penalty setting, and it is a plan that is easy to apply.It is a service that is particularly suitable for single households who do not require high -speed large -capacity communication on a daily basis and want to reduce prices and use optical lines.In addition, if you need a high -speed and stable communication environment than normal use, such as large games and high -quality online live, you can use a 24 -hour wide network at an additional charge of 220 yen.(One Day) is available for this plan.Optional services such as security services, optical telephone services (SO-NET optical telephone), terrestrial digital retransmission service (So-net optical TV) can be added according to customer needs.*1) 1Gbps is the best -effort service at the theoretical maximum speed of the ONU installed in the house and our network facilities.*2) The time zone with less crowded (especially Japan -China bands) can be used equally as other plans.On the other hand, the communication speed may be slower than other plans during crowded times (especially at night).■ Original videos are also available in the public. Various expressions of "perfect" are available in dog nose and Kurokuro, etc.In the video, after the "SO-NET Hikari MINICO", which is "perfect for you", "Real Momo", dressed as a talent Mogami Mogami, co-stars with children and Shiba Inu, delivering a pleasant "perfect" moment.doing.● The dog's nose is perfect for the ring of the finger: https: // YouTu.be/gwkhzat3p0e ● Ping -pong balls perfect for vacuum cleaners: https: // YouTu.be/aqcygrgv1oe ● The potter's wheel is perfect between the hands: https: // YouTu.be/5TSCHJPS_VO ● Bangs perfect for a straight line: https: // YouTu.be/uvna0zi0cm4

Date of service February 1, 2022

Specifications ● Price detached house 4,500 yen / apartment house 3,400 yen ● line construction cost 26,400 yen (In the case of division 36 times, 990 yen per month only for 1 month per month) ● Administrative fee 3,300 yen ● There is no regular contract period

Communication maximum communication speed: 1Gbps connection method: IPOE Sakusaku Switch (one day) specification: Application until 23:59 the day before, about 24:00 the next day, a wide band network can be used: 220 yen/times

* The amount described is the amount including tax.* The company name, product name, and service name listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.