
UV hardened resin is Tsukael ♪

UV light makes a toro resin ticking!

 It has been quite long and has a resin material that I like.A trolley -like synthetic synthetic resin (so -called resin) called "ultraviolet cured resin", it will harden in tens of seconds to a few minutes when ultraviolet rays are exposed.


 Recently, it is well known for creating accessories such as "resin craft".Accessories such as brooches and buttons made by putting beautiful materials in molds and pouring resin.Previously, epoxy regin, which takes about 24 hours to harden with a two -liquid mixture, was used, but recently more and more people use a single -type UV resin, which can be cured for a few minutes.It seems to be popular because anyone can easily create beautiful accessories.


 It is also used in nail salons.Put it on your nails and put your finger in the box where the light comes out for a while.It is called gel nail, but that is also a UV resin.In recent years, the increase in nail salons may be a useful use of UV resin.


 I like UV resin because it is not the purpose of creating accessories and nail deco, but the UV resin is very easy to use as an adhesive.I bought it and used it as an adhesive 12 to 13 years ago, so it's convenient!Very easy to use!That's why I've been using it since then.

 How good is UV resin as an adhesive?One is that it will not harden unless you apply ultraviolet rays.It's good to be able to work slowly without being impatient.However, if you apply ultraviolet light, it will harden in tens of seconds to minutes.The ease of handling of user is very convenient.

 Then, it means that the finish is more beautiful than general adhesive.Ordinary adhesives can harden with white, yellow, or translucent, but in the case of UV resin, it is basically transparent (also colored).High transparency and good appearance, sufficient hardness (some types that solidify software), and touch the tweet and feel smooth.It feels good.

 And the preservation is good.Once a normal adhesive is opened, it tends to harden in the container after several years even after storing carefully.However, the UV resin can be stored as it is as it is for a long period of time unless the ultraviolet rays are exposed (although there is an expiration date recommended by the manufacturer).

左写真は筆者が11年前に購入したUVレジン。釣り糸などの接着用ですが「11年経過した現在でも普通に使える」から驚きます。ただ、最近はより扱いやすいUVレジンが出ていて、それらばかり使用中。写真中央は11年前に購入した紫外線LEDライト。なんと1万6800円! ですが、当時としては非常に高性能な紫外線LEDライトでした。最近ではコレ以上の性能のものが1000円以下で買えますネ。右写真は11年前の紫外線LEDライトを点灯させた様子。現在の製品と比べると光量はかなり少ない感じで、UVレジンの硬化にもやや時間がかかります。

 You can work slowly, solidify immediately, the finish is beautiful, and you can store it for a long time.It is convenient as an adhesive, but there are also weaknesses.