
What is Nadela's secrets who "Azure" "Great Reversal victory" to AWS: Why Microsoft increased even in Corona's evil [Part 2]

The Microsoft Azure, the cloud service group, symbolizes the success of Microsoft in the cloud market.The difference from the crowd service group of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a competitors, is steadily shrinking.According to data published by IT research company Gartner in June 2021, the world's (infrastructure as a service) market in the world was about $ 26.2 billion in 2020, the leading AWS, and about 41 on sales.Hold a % share.In response, Microsoft's sales in the same year were about $ 12.7 billion.


MicrosoftのCEO、サティア・ナデラ氏は、成功の鍵はAzureリージョン(地域データセンター群)の増設と、米国のAT&TやVerizon、欧州のTelefonicaやBT Group、アジア太平洋のTelstraやSingtel(Singapore Telecommunications)といった通信事業者との提携にあると話す。「あらゆる組織が、アプリケーションを迅速に開発して導入するために、クラウドインフラとエッジコンピュータにまたがる分散型のコンピューティングリソースを必要としている」とナデラ氏は主張。MicrosoftがAzureのコンセプトを「世界のコンピュータ」と決めたのは、そうした背景があるという。

Microsoft is moving this concept by increasing the number of data centers by actively investing in the new region, and Gordon McKenna explains the CTO of IT Service Vendor ENSONO's public cloud.。"Microsoft continues to grow in the cloud service field where demand is growing by telework" (McKenna)

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